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KoinLoot Claim Coins are a free opportunity to increase your crypto portfolio with a few clicks. The main and original purpose is to help people new to the Crypto community get their first coins. KoinLoot enables people to know the types of crypto currencies, account numbers, and how the withdrawals are made. In this way, the person provides an information infrastructure about the world of crypto money.
The idea behind the Claim Coin is you interact with the site and you get paid for the time you spend, so it is going to be less but it is a good start to have your 1st cryptocurrencies.
For people who have just started making money on the internet and are interested in crypto currency can claim a variety of altcoins every 30 minutes, some in every hour and some only once a day. The frequency with which you can make claims is related to the payout. On this page, you can see an overview of all the altcoins we offer to claim.
Yes, you can claim the free coins by clicking a claim button. It’s that easy. We want to spread this great idea of decentralized cryptocurrencies to the whole world. The best way is to give a little bit for free, so that people could see how brilliant and easy in use it is. All rewards are funded by advertisements and maintained only by ads revenue, so it's 100% free to use. These advertising revenues are shared with users. You earn coins for every Ads you visit by claiming the coins. Our advertisers pay for your crypto coins when you complete actions, like visiting ads placed or solving the captchas. KoinLoot acts as the middleman collecting payments from advertisers and issuing free alt coins to our members. We put a lot of what we earn into our payouts. You can help us by supporting our sponsors. Please click on ads sponsored, view them and learn more about them. Through our partnerships with advertisers and exchanges we are able to facilitate offering you the largest variety of cryptocurrency you can earn.
You are allowed to register and use just one account per user / IP / household / computer. If you register more than 1 account, we will disable all your accounts! It is strictly prohibited to use multi accounts. Our advertisers set rules to prevent paying to advertise to the same user multiple times.
No, you are not allowed to use VPN, VPS and other methods such as automated software and browser extensions creating fake traffic or other methods that obfuscate your IP address. We expect you to use this website from your personal device, if you use VPS, your payout request will be rejected and your account will be suspended.
Do not complete any offer with a VPN/Proxy as it masks your location and advertisers will not pay for actions. We will ban all accounts violating these rules. Please abide by the rules so you can continue earning and participate in all the new ways to earn we are working on.
When you click on the “Withdraw” button of the respective coin, it specifies the minimum withdrawal limit for that coin. You will be able to withdraw once you reach the required minimum amount.
We set a minimum withdrawal limit due to transaction costs associated with transferring coins/tokens. If the withdrawal limits were lower; more of your withdrawal would go towards transaction fees.
No. At this time, you will NOT be charged any withdrawal fees for your coin withdrawals.
It's easy! Just follow these steps: Delivered .
1.) In order to withdraw your earnings, click on the 'Withdraw' button of the respective coin that you would like to Withdraw from.
2.) A Pop-Up form will appear when you click on the 'Withdraw' button where you can type or paste the destination wallet address of the respective coin (Cross check the destination address carefully) and enter the coin amount you want to withdraw from your available balance and click on the Request button. We will review your request and process the withdrawal within 7 days, usually much sooner. We provide Transaction ID with every payment to your respective coin wallet address so that you can view and monitor the payment on the respective blockchain.
Update your profile.
⚠️ Important: Always check the destination wallet address carefully. If you enter the wrong destination address or enter the destination address of the wrong coin, it will be lost forever and there is nothing we can do.
You can view your offer Completions History Page at: https://www.koinloot.com/faucets/faucetWithdraw.
Note: We CAN NOT help you if you entered the wrong payment address, please double check it when requesting a withdrawal.
If your withdrawal status is showing Pending or in "Review" then there is no need to open a ticket. All withdrawal requests are marked as Pending while they await processing. All payments are sent within 7 days, usually much sooner under normal circumstances. Sometimes this process can take longer if we are experiencing a high payment volume. We do our best to pay promptly but appreciate your patience when we have slight delays.
When payment is done successfully, you will see it marked as Approved with Transaction ID of that particular blockchain.
Crypto payments require a certain amount of confirmations in order to show up in your wallet. Most wallets wait at least 3 confirmations before showing up the coins. Each Confirmation usually takes 10 minutes on average (but can take more or less). We request you to please have patience and track the payment Transaction ID on the respective blockchain. You will receive the payment soon.
If you experience a longer delay in processing payment, usually more than 10 days, it means we have detected unusual or fraudulent activity on your account and your account is held for review. This can happen for a number of reasons, like you are using more than one account, using proxy or not visiting the advertisement properly or closing the ad without seeing it.
If you have been an honest user and have not been abusing the KoinLoot website, you have nothing to worry about and your payment will be reviewed and released, usually in 24-72 hours.
Please do not open a ticket if your payment is under review or pending! The Review process is routine, and we work through all reviews as fast as we can.
Occasionally our payment systems require maintenance, updates or simply need funds to be added (which can take time). We do our best to pay promptly but appreciate your patience when we have slight delays.
If your account status is "Suspended" this means we have detected unusual or fraudulent activity on your account and we are holding your payment until we can do an in depth manual review. Suspended accounts are evaluated on a case-by-case basis—if your payment is Held, please open a ticket. If you have been an honest user, you have nothing to worry about and we can straighten it out with you.
Do not try to make up excuses for the unusual activity on your account - we have heard them all and will see right through them. The best thing you can do is be honest with us. We are people too and we will understand.
You can contact us by visiting our contact us page and sending an email at helpdesk@koinloot.com. We will get back to you as soon as possible.
If you have feedback or ideas that you would like to see implemented we would love to hear from you! Thank you for being a valued member of KoinLoot!
Sign Up Now & Get 5KL Tokens
Sign Up Now & Get 5KL Tokens
Sign Up Now & Get 5KL Tokens
Sign Up Now & Get 5KL Tokens